Monday, 28 November 2016

Stay true to who you are!

It's true we are our own worst critics, and it's easy to look at others' strengths and talents while ignoring our own. With the way social media works, we see the best of people's lives and wonder where we have gone wrong.

We see others' successes through a lens that tells us we must approach life in the same way if we want to see the same success and happiness. But the truth is that we will never be successful by copying the way other people live their lives. Our success can only be found by embracing our individuality, improving our strengths, and strengthening our gifts.

So instead of spending this week wishing we were smarter, more creative, better organized, or more powerful, we must learn to admire others' beauty without questioning our own. This week, let's embrace our giftings and live authentically accepting who we were created to be.

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