Monday 15 August 2016

Do You Finish What You Start?

How many times we start...
...a Monday with a new diet - and we quit after the very first tempting dessert we come across
...a new business idea we think is awesome - to a few days later just thinking we had a great idea
...writing the book we always wanted to write - but we never get thru the first page
...a hobby we say we love - but quit after two classes because it's too hard or we get lazy. 
It happens to ALL OF US!
Yeap. We all have started something and haven't finished it.
But there's something worse than
what's left undone.
It's the frustration, anxiety and anger it generates within ourselves.
But then, why is it that if we hate to leave things unfinished, we keep doing it over and over again? Easy.
Because it's hard for us to have SELF-DISCIPLINE.
Because it's hard for us to remain FOCUSED in what we're doing.
Because it's hard for us to change our BAD HABITS (and turn them into good habits).
Because it's hard for us to KEEP WALKING towards our goals and dreams.
Popular belief says that people who don't finish what they start lack willpower. 
Deep down, we all have willpower, but I believe there's something else that just a few have that helps them achieve anything they desire.
Yeah, no matter how ambitious their goals and dreams are.
Something else that makes them wake up early in the morning, no matter how cold or hot it is, to exercise, or meditate. 
Something else that helps them say NO to sweet temptations if they're on a diet. 
Something else that pulls them to sit down and write, no matter how late it is, how tired they are, how many more things they still have to do.
That "something else" these people have isn't related to some special gift they have, or that they're "special". NO.
 What happens to these people is something very simple: they have DETERMINATION, FOCUS AND CONSISTENT ACTION.
These 3 things are given to all of us at birth, but not many of us keep using and taking advantage of them later on in life.
Think about babies when it's lunch time! Or babies in general...When they want something, they cry till they get it, I surely see these 3 things in action.
But if we stop using these "big 3" talents we were given at birth, they're just like any skill or muscle, they weaken until they almost become atrophied, really deteriorated. 
This thing is, unlike muscles, we just don't see it, because these "big 3" can't be seen with our eyes.
But DETERMINATION, FOCUS AND CONSISTENT ACTION are like muscles in a way: The more you exercise them, the stronger they get!
Remember, your life will get shaped mostly by the things you consistently do, not by the things you do just when you feel like it.
Once you get your determination in place, that'll help you focus on what you really want to achieve.
From there, you just have to stick to consistent action.
There are more elements to it to guarantee your success.
When you have these things in place, you'll AUTOMATICALLY Improve your performance, thus your productivity will skyrocket.
- You can learn more in less time
- You get more great ideas coming "out of the blue"
- Your stress level starts going down and you start feeling more energetic every day
- You get in a better mood, which really helps you establish better relationships with other people
 and much much more!
Imagine you finally seeing significant results in 30 days or even less.
Imagine things starting to happen in your life as never before, where everything seems to flow...
Think and really feel how you'll be feeling when that finally happens in your life. 
Definitively, willpower is nothing without a solid system underneath supporting it.
Please don't believe for a second you don't have what it takes to achieve your dreams.
Because you do!

You always did, you were born with it.
It's just that you forgot how to exercise them.
Have a swell week

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