Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Worrying is such a natural part of our lives. We don't have to try to worry, it just happens. The feeling wraps us up like fish in a net pulling us further and further away from what we know to be free and safe. Like fish, we get caught and it's hard to break away. How did we get here and how can we be released?

We worry about things like the following:

How that confrontation will go with our friend;
Where the money is going to come to pay for college;
The result of the presidential election;
Our kid's first day of school,
and anything else to do with our family, finances, and future.

Worrying about things that are yet to come does nothing but keep us bound. We must be aware of the worry that wants to trap us and do our best to avoid the net. Fish cannot live their lives in fear of the net, but they can look for signs of the bait and swim the other direction.

When you find yourself feeling anxious this week, recognize your feeling of worry and name it. Don't let the feeling overtake you before you recognize its power.

                           Worrying is like walking around with an umbrella;
                                            waiting for it to rain.

Spending our time planning solutions to a problem that isn't yet there prevents us from investing our time in things that matter.

Let us know how YOU choose to respond to worry this week!

We are in this together. Happy Tuesday!

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