Sunday 11 September 2016

Self Discipline

Discipline is tough! We all want to grow, but how do we develop the self-discipline that's needed for success? Working hard for others comes more naturally than working hard for ourselves. But we must remember that our goals and hopes are important too.

We want to lose weight but can't stick to a diet. 
We want to develop spiritually but can't make time to pray.
We want a promotion but can't find the motivation to work harder.

I have been sitting with my dreams and goals waiting for self-discipline to enter my body and run through my veins. But I still wait. It hasn't come. And it won't until I choose to take action!
As I sought wise counsel about self-discipline, here is what I was told:
1. Don't tackle everything at once. 
2. Choose one goal and dive in head first. 
3. Give yourself grace when you fail. 
4. Put accountability into place.
                     5. Realize that what begins as a "discipline" will soon transform into a delight. 

Let's not live in regret!

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