Thursday 11 August 2016

There’s Good In Every Situation.

When I was little my mom told me that there were pots of gold at the end of every rainbow. After it rained I would run outside and try to find them. I never did. But even now I see a rainbow and wonder if I’ll be able to find that gold.

It wasn’t until I was old enough to understand what a metaphor was, then I realized the
pot of gold was a metaphor.
I was waiting for the storm to pass so I could go play outside, and my mom wanted me to know that good things were coming.

When we’re in a storm, we can be rest assured it will pass. Good things are coming, at the end of the rainbow.
Even in storms, lets train ourselves to look on the bright side. That’s something I need a lot of training in. So I look to the stars.

The stars are always in the sky. It’s until it gets dark that we can actually see them. It often takes a dark time in life for us to notice the blessings we have, as well. When it gets dark they shine the brightest, because we can look to those things for comfort and joy. It’s hard to remember they’re there even in the day, too. But wouldn’t remembering that make the bright times that much brighter?

Here’s to counting our blessings, through the good, the bad, and the ugly. Maybe even carve some time out of each day to write some of your blessings on paper. They’re the real pots of gold in our lives.
Do have a lovely Thursday!!!

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